不限制速度下载的百度网盘解析脚本,无视黑号,拥有IDM/Aria2/Motrix三种方式任意体验极速下载!支持Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox等原生浏览器 面向所有网友免费交流学习使用,更多功能正在完善中…
IDM功能测试 | Aria2功能测试 |
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扩展技巧 / Expansion techniques
神速Down 使用着非常优秀的前端框架, 并且集成了一些功能性的拓展,下面是来简单的介绍一下。
Shensu Down uses an excellent framework and integrates some functional extensions. Below is a brief introduction.
IDM使用技巧 / IDM usage tips
- 选项 -> 下载 -> 手动添加任务时使用的用户代理(UA)-> 填入 LogStatistic。在 IDM 新建任务,粘贴链接即可下载。
Options ->Download ->User Agent (UA) to be used when manually adding tasks ->Fill in LogStatistics. Create a new task in IDM and paste the link to download it.
Aria2使用技巧 / Aria2 usage tips
- Aria2默认推送地址无需任何设置,点击推送到Aria2将自动下载,支持Windows/Android,MAC客户端需要自行修改保存路径否则无法下载。
The default push address for Aria2 does not require any settings. Clicking on push to Aria2 will automatically download, supporting Windows/Android. MAC clients need to modify the save path themselves, otherwise they cannot download.
Motrix使用技巧 / Motrix usage tips
- Motrix默认地址为 http://localhost:16800/jsonrpc 点击小齿轮更改为你的推送地址,在点击解析将默认保存你修改的地址,点击推送即可
The default address for Motrix is http://localhost:16800/jsonrpc Click on the small gear to change to your push address, then click on resolve to save the modified address by default. Click on push to proceed
其他的使用技巧 / Other usage tips
- 脚本目前仅支持Windows / MAC /Android 环境下的Aria2 / Motrix 推送。
The script currently only supports Aria2/Motrix push in Windows/MAC/Android environments.
Note: The script currently does not support remote Aria2 push, such as Aria2 on the router
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